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Businesses For Sale Online Newsletter > Political News > The Runaway Gravy Train went down the track and it Blew
The Runaway Gravy Train went down the track and it Blew

The Runaway Gravy Train went down the track and it Blew

With councillors safely ensconced aboard the public sector/council pension gravy train, destination Snout in Le Trough UK ratepayers can be assured a high percentage of present/future rates, parking fees/fines etc have little to do with increasing/improving services as income is poured into the vast chasm of the un-fundable public/council sector pension & other such benefits unavailable to the rest of society.

Oddly those (public sector) who benefit are the ones who calculate and enforce these increases/policies with no apparent due diligence/duty of care in protecting those required to fund this concept. One wonders where this scheme of self interest would stand in the private sector whose own pension schemes are closed daily, whilst personal pension schemes have been robbed of £100 billion plus, by guess who, the government & the public sector, a sort of rob Peter & pay yourself policy.

The BBC staff pension is causing concern in its funding, yet another pension scheme primarily funded by the rest of society with no opt out permitted as the BBC licence fee increases once again this April.

The government should use tax/ratepayers money to fund an Old Age Pension for ALL and nothing more. This would allow extra finance for a morally acceptable OAP of much higher value to ALL the citizens of the UK, whilst ensuring the public sector retire at a similar age to the rest of society.

They created the phrase ‘Key Workers’ what tosh & arrogance, it is the millions & millions of private sector workers who are key, after all how would this socially imbalanced pension scheme & other benefits be funded without them.

Given inflation could plunge in to deflation as the RPI fell to 0:1% in January the proposal to increase rates for 2009/10 by 3% seems somewhat excessive.

Admittedly food prices continue to rise, possibly councillors & staff are to be regularly fed a whole fatted calf apiece for luncheon, perhaps this and their outrageous pension scheme could explain the unwarranted rate increase?

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