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Businesses for Sale- Business Transfer AgentBusinesses For Sale Online
is an Independent UK Based
Business Transfer Agent

Chemex Franchises for Sale

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Businessesforsaleonline, for itself and for its Principals (Clients) whose agent it is, presents this information to you on the the strict basis that:-

a. The information is merely a general outline for the guidance of and for the purpose of establishing interest from intending interested parties and does not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer of contract.

b. All descriptions, figures and details are given in good faith on the basis of instructions received from our clients, but any intending interested parties should not rely on them as a statement or representation of fact but must satisfy themselves as to the correctness of each of them and it is the responsibility of any interested party to carry out all investigations and due diligence which it sees fit before entering into any binding obligation.

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