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Businesses for Sale- Business Transfer AgentBusinesses For Sale Online
is an Independent UK Based
Business Transfer Agent

Commercial Property management

Business Start Up Advice

  • When spending and/or investing large amounts of money on the purchase of a business it is a wise precaution to seek out reliable professional advice.

  • It is true to say that for both first time and experienced buyers many pitfalls can be avoided prior to purchase simply by taking good advice. Little can be done after the purchase and new business owners can find themselves unnecessarily inheriting the problems of the former owners.

  • Potential business owners, particularly first time buyers considering spending and/or investing large amounts of money cannot afford to be reluctant to spend a considerably smaller sum on professional advice before committing themselves to the purchase.

  • When buying a house the service of the surveyor is not considered to be a luxury but a vital necessity.

  • Having had many years of experience in both buying and selling businesses and also running businesses in our own right the we are well placed to advise you of the potential pitfalls and whether we believe the purchase price to be a fair one.

  • We offer a package that includes an assessment of the value of the fixed assets, an assessment of the accounts benchmarked against similar businesses and a checklist to determine whether there are any concerns that may have a detrimental impact upon the business.

  • Where appropriate we can prepare a full business plan and supporting financial forecasts for application of loans and / or to ensure that the business is viable.

Should you wish to discuss this further please contact 0113 2753641 or email us at

RSR Business Consultancy Ltd
MJB Consultants
Urban and Rural Planning Associates
Minim Website Design
Fresh Move