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The G8 meeting in Japan.

The G8 meeting in Japan.

July 2008

The G8 meeting in Japan.

It is understood they are to discuss:

A decision was made for a fish starter at their usual end of meeting feast.

Fuel/Oil prices:
Seemingly it costs a fortune for them and their many thousands strong entourage to travel, & the price of olive oil was on everyone’s mind when ordering their 2nd course of their proposed extensive meal.

The Global Economy:
International business had hoped the G8 members may come up with some long term worldwide business plan, but as smoking had been banned in the hotel, no one had a fag packet to write down the final communiqué. The members then reverted to the subject of food and the main course for their banquet with the obligatory copious amounts of a suitable costly wine to quench their thirst.

Some had expected them to discuss the subject of Global Warming, but the G8 members felt any more hot air could be detrimental to the problem, & their choice of banana flambee for pudding was to be their contribution to the topic.

It was agreed that Rice whilst expensive was still a bit of a dish, much to Condoleezza embarrassment.

The Germans and the Italians demanded an explanation on how Spain had won the Euro 2008 Football trophy, the GB contingent decided to match its football teams by not making a contribution to the subject.

All those attending were given an extra large pair of shoes in a futile attempt to match their carbon footprint.
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