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Businesses for Sale- Business Transfer AgentBusinesses For Sale Online
is an Independent UK Based
Business Transfer Agent

Busy Butchers Shop with S/C Flat

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Please fill in the following and submit to add your business to this site.
Whilst the more sections of the form are completed the better, those not starred are optional.
Businesses Online advise the information should be totally accurate.
It is also worth considering security and confidentiality: we therefore advise the information gives an overview, e.g. general geographical location rather than specific.
Contact Tel: if possible a number other than the business number (or a mobile number) to reduce the risk of identification until you are satisfied the enquiry is genuine.

Business Category/Type*

In which country is the business for sale located *

Region *

Years Established


Business Financial Details

Turnover *
Gross Profit
Net Profit

ASSETS : Approximate value* ( where the following don’t apply put N/A)

Fixtures / Fittings
Plant & Machinery
SAV (Stock at Valuation)


No. of living rooms
No. of bedrooms

Business description *

 Sale Price *

Please indicate your role in selling this company

CONTACT DETAILS: Whilst we need following for direct contact with you, please state if you wish the details to be listed on the advert.
Whilst it is likely that either or both Tel No & email will be necessary for enquiry.
The contact name should be Mr. or Mrs. etc.
 Telephone Number *

 Email address *

 Contact name*  

Contact Address * : Note: address for our use only


Information you submit to Businesses for sale Online will not be disclosed to any other organisation without your agreement.