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US Presidential Election

US Presidential Election

25 Oct 2008

The US Presidential Election

Democratic candidate Barack Obama has seen his lead in the opinion polls slightly reduced over Republican John McCain the ex Vietnam POW, although the lead is still a very healthy 9 points.

Obama's lead over war hero McCain is 51% to 42%

Obama at 47 is younger than the 72 years old McCain has managed the lead by saying very little whilst demanding the Republican show his policies.

The US voters seem to prefer Obama’s lack of substance & experience over the Republican. Some European’s who saw Obama’s European triumphalist tour wondered what all the fuss was about as there was little to no material when he actually spoke.

Many probably feel it similar to the UK experience it doesn’t matter which you vote for nothing changes, the politicians have become the nouveau riche & all powerful as they finally remove the last vestiges of freedom of the people with the proposed over regulation of the financial markets, in other words bringing them under the control of the political animals.

Who knows maybe that’s why the politicians have sat back & watched the debacle of the international financial system go into meltdown, knowing the knee-jerk reaction would be for the voters demand for the application of more wonderful political regulation to the markets thus ensuring their control of the global infrastructure would finally be complete.

The odd thing is the USA, supposed land of the free?? looks as if they are to put the man who agrees with this policy in the White House whilst the man who demands more freedom for the individual will be rejected.

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