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Should Bankers be Banned from Working

Harry Fletcher, deputy general secretary of Napo the probation officers union has suggested speculators who acted "irresponsibly" could be banned from working, adding guilty bankers could also be given "acceptable behaviour contracts" like errant children.

Other suggestions include investigating the possibility of fining people whose "negligence" had in part forced a taxpayer bail-out of banks.

He seemed to equate dealers & traders with the 240,000 offenders the P.S. deals with each year who have behaved recklessly and caused damage and harm to innocent victims

Adding that innocent people had lost homes and livelihoods as a result of the financial crisis and bankers should not be given "impunity".

He called for financial regulators, the FSA, or the Home Office to begin urgent inquiries into new measures.

Mr. Fletcher did not mention that the very bodies he suggested to investigate are perhaps the areas that real investigation should be applied i.e. government & its department’s.

Oddly we never see politicians or indeed the public sector applying Mr. Fletcher’s measures to themselves, & some might say the success or lack of it in the use of probationary orders does not exactly cover the P.S. in glory.

Others have suggested the bankers & others have their pensions & benefits removed for the present debacle, oddly I have never heard anyone from the public sector or the political world suggest they themselves have their copper bottomed pension removed when they fail, but then again there would never be any pension for the taxpayer to fund maybe his suggestion could be applied to all?, the words glasshouses, stones & the throwing therein spring to mind.

Regrettably we do need to remind ourselves that it was the public who used plastic money not the banker, as was the decision to take on mortgages that were beyond our means, the harsh truth is we are all culpable for the mess, but none more so than the present government who have yet to suggest they will investigate themselves or be banned from working, similar to Mr. Fletcher’s suggestion for the banker’s.

Some of us saw this coming 5 years ago & also saw the real problem within the UK’s internal economy as the public sector pension that will within ten years become unaffordable to the point that those outside the scheme will have to pay in excess of 50% of their income to this lunacy.

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